Skyform Wind has a core team of highly skilled and experienced technicians. Our technicians are afforded the opportunity to complete all necessary training courses to drive the delivery of existing and future business and customer needs. We value our employees and look to ensure new recruits will be the correct fit for the business as much as ensuring they can do the job to the standards necessary.
We’d be delighted to have you on board if you’re the right candidate!
View and apply for our current vacancies:
WINDFARM TECHNICIANS - Skyform Wind is looking to recruit additional TMSE / statutory inspection engineers for full time work commencing soon. Please supply CV confirming current status and availability for interview process to include practical exercises at head office prior to positive selection. Relevant experience and minimum Level 4 and European experience advantageous however all CV's will be considered with a view to previous background i.e. trade/forces etc. All information to be sent for the attention of Jim Campbell at