Our Policies
All Health and Safety Policies are communicated to all staff members during the initial safety inductions held for all employees by the HSEQ Manager.
All site operations and offices have the current polices and communications boards in all staff meeting rooms and welfare cribs, the communications boards informs all personnel of any issues or other events that may affect their working areas.
As per our BS OHSAS 18001 Management System 1.1.7 Consultation, Communication and Reporting Employees shall be consulted on HSE issues through company and site inductions as well as weekly tool box talks (SKY-HSE-F11) and safety meetings. This consultation shall be documented and recorded by the appropriate staff and shall be made available to interested parties. The company shall ensure that the appropriate level of skill, competency or training is available to staff involved with HSE management issues.
All communication meetings and reports are submitted to our HSEQ Manager and also the relevant Project Management Group members for comment. The communication reports are then placed within the Safety Management system and filled.
Externally we are audited once every month by Safety Scotland who reports back directly to the Managing Director. This is to ensure that all systems including all site communications are correct and in place as per our Safety Management Systems and Construction Safety Phase Plans.
Health and Safety Policy Statement
Our statement of general policy is:
- To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
- To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
- To provide and maintain a safe plant and safe system of work.
- To make arrangements for ensuring the safe use and means of handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.
- To provide information, instruction, training and supervision (competent employees).
- To provide and maintain safe access to and egress from the workplace.
- To provide and maintain a safe working environment and adequate welfare facilities.
- To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training.
- To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill-health.
- To maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
- To review and revise the policy as necessary at regular intervals to ensure its continued suitability to our activities.
- To comply with current applicable OH&S legislation; and
- To make continual improvements in the implementation of its management systems.
In fulfilment of the company’s moral and legal responsibilities, the company is determined to take all practical measures to ensure:
- The safety, health and welfare of all its employees and
- The safety, health and welfare of all others who may be affected by its activities.
Download Our Health & Safety Policy >>
Commitment to Quality
Full commitment to improving client service. In Skyform we value client feedback and active client consultation. We encourage interactive communication through:
- Full commitment to improving the customer satisfaction level by inviting comment through our customer questionnaires. Our primary target is for our customers to complete the current customer survey. When this has been completed and evaluated we will set the working target for next year and review quality objectives at each management review meeting.
- Full commitment of all personnel to active involvement in making improvements.
- Full commitment to promoting wherever possible the re-cycling of old materials.
- Full commitment to promoting Equal Opportunities to all employees and providing on-going training and development of staff.
- Full understanding by all employees, of long term importance of achieving customer satisfaction and their role in ensuring that their failure to meet standards will lead to the company failing to meet customer standards.
- An appreciation that a consistent quality service can only be achieved by ensuring control at each stage of service delivery, with the ultimate aim of achieving “Zero Defects.”
A companywide Quality System is in operation which is designed to comply with the requirements of BS/EN/ISO 9001:2008.
The ISO system defines the commitments of the company, and the complementary Quality Procedures and Method Statements detail the methods that are employed to ensure Customer Satisfaction.
Download Our Quality Policy >>
Environmental Policy
Skyform promises to reduce our impact on the natural environment when we design, build, repair and manage facilities. Skyform ensures that our organisation’s environmental footprint is minimal by following, adhering and updating our environmental policy. We maintain a proactive and positive attitude to environmental issues, seeking to minimise any potential harmful effects of our business activities on the environment while we seek to develop a sustainable approach to our daily operations.
We seek to comply and exceed, the legal and other requirements, relevant to environmental issues. Our aim is to influence our industry attitudes by actively promoting our environmentally friendly approach to our operations. We primarily seek to:
- Assess and minimise operational negative environmental impacts.
- Improve management procedures and working techniques to avoid environmental pollution.
- Minimise noise pollution, dust pollution, ambient disturbance and inconvenience.
- We seek to use energy and water resources efficiently.
- We have a very efficient control natural resources control and we encourage our clients to use of sustainable materials.
- We encourage recycling and we promote the use of recycled and recyclable materials to our clients.
- We work with clients, subcontractors, and suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of projects.
- We seek to inform local communities on our environmental approached to works.
This Policy states the commitment of Senior Management and members of the organisation to the implementation and maintenance of waste management, recycling and other sustainability procedures to control and minimise impact on the overall environment. Skyform accepts responsibility for controlling spillage and waste materials resulting from plant and maintenance activities by inspection, reporting and follow up of any hazard or risk identified.
The company acknowledges its environmental responsibility towards employees, those persons who visit its premises and the general public.
Every employee of Skyform has a responsibility for conducting him or herself in a safe working manner, ensuring no negative impact on the environment or health of others. Employees must wear applicable safety clothing, use appropriate equipment and personally ensure activities comply with Jurisdictional Acts/Regulations, Codes, British / European Standards and ISO 14001 by reporting unsafe work practices, places, equipment, processes or situations.
Managers, Yard/Site Managers and Supervisors have the additional responsibility of monitoring the work environment, identifying training and equipment needs, record keeping, implementing work procedures and investigating incidents as related to the applicable Environmental Legislation
Skyform has appointed HSE Managers and Advisors who have defined Environmental, Health and Safety authority and responsibilities.
Download Our Environmental Policy >>
Sustainability Policy
Skyform promises to reduce our impact on society and the natural environment when we design, build, repair and manage facilities. Skyform ensures it assesses and includes sustainability within our supply chain at the procurement process by following, adhering and updating our sustainable procurement policy.
Sustainability is one of our primary goals when we work on a project. We work in sync with our employees, clients, suppliers and subcontractors aiming to offer sustainable operations, in every level of our business activities. We endeavour to incorporate, economic, environmental and social short and long term interests, and to make economic, environmental and social concerns fundamental to our decision-making making process. We seek to interact with our partners, and stakeholders and generally everyone that is directly or indirectly affected by our operations. In Skyform we believe that directing our business activities according to strict ethical, professional and legal standards, is what defines a responsible supplier. We do not tolerate corruption, bribery or unfair competition. Skyform is committed to operating and carrying out our day to day services in an ethically responsible manner. Our policy is taking under consideration the following important factors:
- The need to procure materials, that were possible are produced locally and with a high recycled content
- Purchase goods and service local to our place of business
- During the procurement of goods and services throughout our organisation, consideration is given to the environmental and economic impact throughout their lifecycle.
- Ensure that our sustainable procurement strategies meet or exceed our clients expectations
- Ensure that our sustainable procurement strategies comply with or exceed legal requirements
Data Protection Policy
In order to operate effectively and fulfil its legal obligations, Skyform needs to collect, maintain and use certain personal information about current, past and prospective employees, customers, suppliers and other individuals with whom it has dealings. All such personal information, whether held on computer, paper or other media, will be obtained, handled, processed, transported and stored lawfully and correctly, in accordance with the safeguards contained in the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA).
Skyform Group is committed to the eight principles of data protection as detailed in the DPA. These principles require that personal information must:
- Be fairly and lawfully processed and not processed unless specific conditions are met;
- Be obtained for one or more specified, lawful purposes and not processed in any manner incompatible with those purposes;
- Be adequate, relevant and not excessive for those purposes;
- Be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date;
- Not be kept for longer than is necessary;
- Be processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights under the DPA;
- Be kept secure from unauthorised or unlawful processing and protected against accidental loss, destruction or damage; and
- Not be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) unless the country or territory ensures adequate protection for the rights and freedoms of the data subjects.